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Why start from scratch when you can choose from a wide range of templates? From brainstorming to collecting ideas, you're sure to find a template to get you started quickly! Here are some commonly used templates. Want more templates? Create your account and discover everything you can do with Napkin.

Lean Coffee

Lean Coffee is a structured meeting method that focuses on facilitating effective discussions and decision-making in a group. It starts with participants proposing topics or questions they would like to discuss. The topics are then voted on and an agenda is drawn up based on priority.

During the session, each topic is discussed in a limited time period, with everyone having the opportunity to share their input. Lean Coffee promotes active involvement, efficient communication and helps make joint decisions.


Retrospectives, also known as "retros", are structured meetings held at the end of a project, sprint or period to reflect on what went well, what didn't go well and what improvements can be made.

During the retrospective you share experiences, identify positive aspects and problems, and work together to define concrete actions and points for improvement. Retrospectives promote a culture of continuous improvement and taking responsibility for optimizing work processes and team dynamics.

Idea Board

A digital idea board is a flexible tool that allows teams and individuals to generate, organize, and collaborate on ideas. It provides visual and interactive capabilities to collect, brainstorm and organize ideas on a virtual canvas.


With accessibility from different devices and locations, the digital idea board encourages creativity, collaboration and efficiency when developing innovative solutions and planning projects.

Agenda-Free Meeting

Agenda-free meetings, also known as "open space" or "unconference" meetings, offer participants the freedom to determine the agenda and topics of discussion.

Instead of predetermined agenda items, participants can propose topics during the meeting and form self-groups around the topics that pique their interest.

This promotes a more participatory and dynamic meeting culture, in which the voices of all participants are heard and flexibility and creativity are encouraged. Agenda-free meetings provide space for spontaneous ideas and discussions, which can lead to innovative insights and solutions.

To-Do Board

To-do lists are useful tools that help individuals organize and manage their tasks and responsibilities. They provide an overview of what needs to be done and help prioritize tasks.

To-do lists allow users to check off tasks as they are completed, creating a sense of satisfaction and productivity. They serve as an effective way to structure tasks, manage deadlines and maintain overview in a busy world.


Brainwriting is a creative technique in which individuals generate and share ideas in a structured and non-verbal environment.


Instead of brainstorming verbally, participants write down their ideas and share them with others. This promotes equal participation and prevents dominant voices. Brainwriting encourages a free exchange of thoughts, encourages diversity and leads to a wider range of innovative ideas.


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